Keeping track of where a part is used when working with integrated/DB libraries
Beko , 01-20-2020, 07:15 AM
When you are working with multiple boards and an integrated/database library, how do you keep track of which component is used on which board? For example if I want to delete or change a component from my library because I need to change it or no longer need it in a board, how can I be sure that it will not effect my other designs?
Altium has a “Where Used” section on the component but I guess it only works for the Vault? How do you keep track of where a part is used when working with integrated/DB libraries? Your responses would be appreciated.
robertferanec , 01-21-2020, 01:26 AM
I also believe Vault has this feature, but I am not sure if that can be easily applied for local or database libraries.
I do not delete old components and if I am planning to make a change, the component is re-named to a new version. In my current library all Symbols and Footprints have ending like Symbol-v00X.SchLib or Footprint-v00X.PcbLib.
To reflect status of component, we manually update "Status" parameter in library ... not very accurate, but it's ok. When we need to know where exactly a specific component is used, it is not done through Altium, but through manufacturing and accounting software.
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