5volt-junkie , 05-04-2020, 03:37 AM
Hi all,
since the beginning of this year the manufacturing house I'm working with expects a netlist file attached to my gerber files. In the past I just sent a simple .txt file with nets to be matched to 50Ohm.
Somehow I was able to export the netlist one time, but can't remember all steps.
After exporting the Gerber files, I had two Camtastic files. One for copper structures and one for drills. Then I've imported the drills camtastic file into the other file with copper structures. I remember I got many error messages like "missing this, missing that" or "extract nets before you proceed" and so on.
Finally I had a netlist file and I opened it with a text editor. All the nets have been renamed (means the didn't have the original netnames I entered in my schematics).
So I had to inspect all traces in the camptastic viewer with CAM Editor and to write it down, when the 50Ohm Net have been highlighted. After that, I sent the files to manufacturing house and they were able to work with that files botchery.
My questions are, what's the right way to export a proper netlist file and is there a solution to transfer the netnames from schematic to the netlist automatically?