Eror In using cross reference
kazemiy974 , 05-23-2020, 02:38 AM
Hello all;
i'm using cross reference after compiling my project but i have an error it says:
"Class Document Source Message Time Date No.
Cross Reference C:\Users\Yasin\Documents\Intellico\INT9341\Design Files\V2I1\[05] - USB.SchDoc Advanced Schematic Ports on [05] - USB.SchDoc cannot be matched with compiled data. Please recompile. 1:01:46 PM 5/23/2020 107"
but nets are matched and i'm going to recompile my project and I still get this error.
How should I solve this problem?
chitransh92 , 05-23-2020, 03:11 PM
Assuming you are talking about the "Port" Cross reference.
For port cross reference ensure that you have placed "Ports" on all the respective sheets.
Share some screenshot more clarity on this issue.
Thank you.
kazemiy974 , 05-24-2020, 02:17 AM
Thank you @chitransh92 , my problem is solved
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