Best practice for storage of projects and libraries - consolidation
Operafan , 04-08-2021, 10:40 AM
Hello Robert,
hope that my message/question find you healthy in these difficult times;
I used over the years different Altium versions from 18 to now 21; I created different projects and had to create custom libraries and load also a lot of standard ones. Between hot working phases I always encountereed the issue that libraries are not available (can not be found, must be loaded, etc,).... also after upgrading the product..
Following silly beginner question:
Is there a good rule of thumb/best practice how to manage libraries (custom and vendor-specific) so that these are available and loaded / loadable also thru prodcut upgrades, etc.? Same for projects ...
many thanks in advance,
robertferanec , 04-09-2021, 04:25 AM
Honestly, I have not found a great solution for libraries. I have similar issues - trying all the kind of techniques. I am currently experimenting with Altium 365 which I like a lot, just I am not very happy building libraries in Altium cloud as I am worried that I would have to keep paying subscription forever. However A365 is very comfortable to use ... too comfortable, that is why I like it a lot.
mnpebm , 04-14-2021, 07:13 AM
Yes. Too comfortable. I like that. I just need to add A365 as a "necessary" expense each year.
qdrives , 04-14-2021, 10:08 AM
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