Creating a project template
Tom Yunghans , 05-08-2021, 06:39 PM
I would like to create a "project template" in the A365 workspace using an existing design on my local drive. I am using the newest version (21.3.2) of AD. The Altium documentation ( describes two ways to create a project template, "Direct Editing" and "Saving an Existing Project to the Server as a Template". Since I have an existing project which is close to what I want for a template, I attempted to follow the directions. One of the last steps is using the command "Project >> Save to server as template". The documentation even shows a snapshot of the pulldown menu. The problem is that I don't see that option in my computer. I have attached a snapshot from the documentation and also the one from my computer.
Does anyone have any idea as to why I don't have that "Save to server as template" option in my Project pulldown?
Here is the snapshot from the documentation:
Here is the one from my computer.
robertferanec , 05-10-2021, 05:25 AM
I only used templates the way, that I copied them manually through the Explorer panel. Maybe that could be also a way?
PS: I checked my Altium, I do not have that option too.
Tom Yunghans , 05-10-2021, 07:11 AM
Hi Robert, Thank you for responding. Do you have AD Standard or Pro? I was thinking maybe this option might only be available in the Pro Version.
robertferanec , 05-10-2021, 07:14 AM
I have Pro ... they keep changing everything ... so I would not be surprised if it was in some AD versions and now they change it somehow.
Tom Yunghans , 05-10-2021, 08:00 AM
Hi Robert, I just got off the help line. They moved the command to the "File" menu. Apparently it used to be on the "Project" menu. The documentation has not been updated.
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