AD 21.7.2 Build23, Strange file size
JohnsonMiller , 10-02-2021, 07:45 AM
Hi Guys,
AD 21.7.2 Build23 is released but the file size is reduced by 1GB! The previous release was 2.7GB. It is strange in a way that usually software size grows with each new release, any comment? Have you tried AD 21.7.2 Build23, yourself?
robertferanec , 10-04-2021, 07:56 AM
I have not tried yet. If someone has noticed some big differences, let us know. Thank you.
qdrives , 10-05-2021, 08:21 AM
Software does not always grow in size.
Why is Altium 2.7GB anyhow? Perhaps they have removed some of the FPGA stuff as it may have been outdated by now. Older Altium was about 1 GB, so perhaps release 20 was bloated (not optimized or compressed).
By the way, I am running 21.7.2.
JohnsonMiller , 10-05-2021, 02:19 PM
@robertferanec , @qdrives, thank you for your comments. The issue that made me suspicious about this release was the way that the installation program behave. Previous releases usually switch to update mode when detecting the existing installation, but this release ignores existing AD and starts a fresh installation!
qdrives , 10-12-2021, 05:48 PM
@JohnsonMiller I did an update to 21.7.2, not a new install. It was initiated from Altium itself, so I did not check the file size beforehand.
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