JohnsonMiller , 06-22-2023, 12:38 AM
To the best of my knowledge!
"Would it be helpful if you made a 'component' that has it all?"
- I am afraid, NO! Since at the component level, we do not have the option to shape the plane layer, and anti-pad is mostly related to planes.
"Do other tools place the anti-pad structure automatically when you change layers (place a via)?:"
- For Allegro and Zuken, I am sure that they both add anti-pad automatically, but PADS and Expedition, not sure!
"Length matching would then be from IC to via, via to via, and via to IC."
- Yes, anti-pad usually does not affect length matching
"You'd also need to place the 'components' in the schematic."
- No, anti pad has nothing to do with the schematics
"Alternatively, you create the advanced anti-pad once and paste it everywhere you need after you 'finished' routing."
- Yes, this is the final solution if we can not find an automatic approach.