Moving the whole symbol in SCH Library Editor
abarnai , 08-22-2016, 09:54 AM
It seems like with more complex symbols I seem to have trouble moving them around or to center them after they are created in the schematics library editor. For simpler symbols, such as a
capacitor or resistor there seem to be no problem. For this one shown in the image, even though I seem to be able select everything, still I cannot move it all together. No matter where I move the
cursor, the 'grab' icon never comes up.
Moving the symbol around is not a problem once the part is placed in the schematics editor. It is only a problem in the library editor. I wonder why this is happening and what can I do about it?
mairomaster , 08-22-2016, 10:53 AM
That seem strange, you should be able to just select those primitives and drag them after that. You can also try to select them, hold CTRL and use your arrow keys to move them around in grid steps.
abarnai , 08-22-2016, 12:06 PM
Thank you. Pressing the CTRL key and the arrows will do it, I can move it. I have no idea about the 'why' but at least I have a way to do it now. Strangely, other complex parts move fine with the 'grab' handle as they are supposed to.
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