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Position of a PAD issue

alekyakoi , 04-05-2017, 02:59 PM
Hi everyone,
I have an issue using a simple pad mounting hole from the OpenRex library.
The think is when I change the position of the pad in the parameter, the pad goes to the position but then the top overlay designator doesn't follow the position, and its seems like the real position of the pas didn't move as we can see with the cross.
1- I clic on the the pad

2- I change from Top-Middle-Bottom to a simple pad (2 layer) and put the position where I want

3- As you can see the pad goes go x 5,y 5 but the cross and the top overlay did'nt move
What did I do wrong?

Thank you very much
robertferanec , 04-05-2017, 03:06 PM
Maybe it was accidentally moved as a PAD and not as a component? Always when this kind of component is moved, be sure that when you select it, you can see SQUARE. If you do not see SQUARE, it means only pad is selected (and only pad is moved, not the component).

To correct this, write down the pad position (double click on the pad), write down the component position (double click on the pad the way you see the SQUARE) and correct it (move the pad into position where the component is and then move the component into position where pad was). It sounds complicated, but you will understand
alekyakoi, 04-05-2017, 03:13 PM
Oh yeah you are right, it was only the pad, if I select all the component it works well.Thank you very much I learnt something today
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