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Which system preferences file (*.DXPPrf) is currently in use?

brianjaod , 05-22-2017, 02:21 PM
Is there a way to view or determine which system preferences file (*.DXPPrf) is currently in use? I've saved several different versions that I use for different configurations (via "Save" and "Load" at bottom of attached pic), defaults, etc, but not sure how to tell which version I'm using at a given moment. Thanks!
robertferanec , 05-23-2017, 09:40 AM
If you are not sure, maybe what I would do, I would try to re-load the file. So you know which of your settings you are using.

I am not sure if you can somewhere see what preferences file is currently loaded. If you really need to know, what I would maybe do, I would find a parameter which I do not use (e.g. Preferences->System->Installation->Offline installation) and I just would put there name of the loaded file. Always when I would needed to see what file was loaded, I would go to see what is name of "Offline installation". That is just an idea.

In general, I try to work mostly with default Altium settings (I only change minimum of them). One reason for not loading preferences is, that in past we had problems with loading preferences between different versions of Altium (in some versions, we just had to reset all the settings as loading preferences didn't work well - especially loading them into different versions of Altium).
brianjaod , 05-24-2017, 10:56 AM
Great ideas Robert, thanks!
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