I am doing layout part. But, when I point out red dot, the route connection line goes into wrong way. Can anybody fix this problem?
mairomaster , 06-07-2018, 03:00 AM
Most probably you have a clearance violation, you have to check your rules. You might try to switch to ignore route mode, place the track the way you want it to be and run DRC to see what the problem is.
alferdvidal , 06-07-2018, 07:48 AM
Hi,Khiwrld The solution to my problem is that the notes are not the same. You can not add 5 volts to the note R6_1 !!!! connect. Did I understand the right question?
robertferanec , 06-13-2018, 12:17 AM
@khiworld, does it work now?
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