Altium Designer - Editing side panel without editing schmatic
﷽﷽𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫𒈙⸻𒐫﷽ဪဪ𒈙𒐫﷽﷽𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫 , 01-20-2024, 07:39 PM
Hello! I have 'Enable Auto Pan' unchecked but also notice Robert Feranec is able to make edits in the properties panel without inadvertently placing a pin or component into the schamtic. This occurs at 1:07:07 in the first lesson of 'Learn Altium Essentials Second Edition'I swear I have followed all the 'Preferences' changes made in the lesson but I still seem to be editing the schematic even when the mouse is not in the schematic window. I also notice when I go to place->pin it does not automatically bring up the Properties menu for the pin I am placing.Thank you!
Robert Feranec , 01-21-2024, 07:03 AM
Try to use TAB
﷽﷽𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫𒈙⸻𒐫﷽ဪဪ𒈙𒐫﷽﷽𒈙𒐫﷽꧅𒐫 , 01-21-2024, 06:38 PM
ok right haha. Thank you
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