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Incorrect PDF sheet number in multi-channel design

JoelB , 05-09-2024, 04:51 PM
I am using a hierarchical multichannel design.
There are 27 schematic pages, but due to multi-channel the schematic should print with total sheets of 35, but it uses 27 instead. In the compiled view it shows the proper page numbers and total but in the PDF it does not.
SkyDvv , 05-09-2024, 06:24 PM
I remember it happened to me once, I guess you use smart pdf right?

If so, in the very last page of the one before it (I can't really remember) you'll find check box of "use physical structure", check it and try out the output.
JoelB , 05-09-2024, 10:41 PM
check box of "use physical structure" is checked but still it gives wrong total sheet count and each page of a multi-channel schemtic gets the assigned the same sheet number so there are multiple pages with the same sheet number
QDrives , 05-10-2024, 12:40 AM
Did you number the schematic sheets?
And do you want 27 or 35 pages?
JoelB , 05-10-2024, 03:48 PM
Yes I did number the sheets. The problem is that there are 27 logical pages, but due to multi-channels there should be a total of 35 physical pages. But PDF schematic always comes out with 27 total pages. The same sheet number is repeated for all instances in a mutli-channel. Within Altium the editor view shows 27 totoal sheets, but the complied view shows 35 sheets. It seems that the PDF output cannot print the complied view properly.
QDrives , 05-10-2024, 06:46 PM
I assume what you mean is that the last page states "page 27 of 35"?
It is in part correct, as you may have page 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 followed by page 10. In total it is still 35.
There are some solutions:
- Change the compiles page numbering (I have not tried it and do not know if it is possible)
- Change the total pages to 27 (I do not know if this is updated in the 'printed' version).
- Instead of page 10 in the example above, set it to 12. But this would 'miss' page 10 and 11.
- Accept that there is a difference.
- Report a bug/idea at Altium
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