Created a new library in new project but not showing library in schematic document
Ashish kumar , 08-24-2021, 01:27 PM
I created schematic library and PCB library, was following 28 pin project tutorials. when I am trying to open this library to add components in the schematic, altium is not showing my library, it is showing integrated libraries. you can check in the picture. Please help me
qdrives , 08-27-2021, 02:33 PM
If you create a new library, you still have to 'install' it before you can use it.
Press the hamburger menu button to the right of the library selection. Select File based library preferences.
Select the Installed tab.
Click Install to add your newly created library.
robertferanec , 08-30-2021, 05:28 AM
From the screenshot, your library, sch and pcb are not in the same project. Notice the "Free Documents" directory in the structure - this means your Test PCB and Sch are not part of any project. You need to drag and drop them inside of the Test project structure
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