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Searching a goof software

MohitBansal , 05-19-2023, 12:13 PM
Hello everyone there
I'm new here and also in hardware design engineering. I have two questions
1) which software is good for me for my future designs altium or orcad,For which I get simulation also for my project ?
2) how can I get simulation files for components?

Any suggestions of instructions would be appreciated.
robertferanec , 05-20-2023, 01:09 AM
1) Some time ago I created a video about which software: https://youtu.be/8IZnj4Z9CHU
2) Good component manufacturers provide simulation models
qdrives , 05-20-2023, 09:25 AM
What kind of simulation?
- Functional: like spice?
- SI?
- EMI?
- etc.
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