Is Publishing Online Education Videos (Altium Designer) Legal?
mali , 02-08-2019, 05:23 AM
Dear Feranec and fedevel family,
I'm a Turkish hardware engineer who has been following your work for a long time. My job is desgining schematic and PCB layout for some electronic devices.
I and some of my colleagues finished all of your online courses(free and paid.) Beside this, I follow all of your social media accounts and Welldone Blog.
I learnt many things from you and still learning. I want to thank you for all the cool stuffs you taught.
Once upon a time, I came across with one of your video on youtube (Tips for schematic design and PCB layout #TIP001).
A sentence you said made me think for a while, "I'm doing this because I know a lot of things and it's a kind of shame to not share it with other people."
Due to Turkish people have difficulties to understanding english, I want to share my knowledge on the internet in Turkish language. I think it may help many of electronics enthusiasts.
I don't know how I will do it or if I can do it. However I have some serious questions tickling my mind.
I use licenced Altium Designer at my office. But it doesn't belong to me personaly, belongs to the company I work for. Do you think that using this licenced Altium Designer and/or a cracked version of Altium Designer can cause any trouble on me or my company? I don't want to face with an accusation by Altium Designer company.
Since you are the most experienced person I know, what would be your advice to me in this case?
Do you think that I should start recording my videos or I shouldn't?
What is the right path to follow?
Any extra info will be more than welcome!
Thank you in advance!
Best regards.
Paul van Avesaath , 02-12-2019, 02:06 AM
you could add turkish translation in the youtube videos i guess..
robertferanec , 02-13-2019, 12:07 PM
@Paul van Avesaath's suggestion is really good - feel free to add subtitles to my youtube videos.
About creating videos - the best is to talk to Altium (that's what I did when I started with my courses). I can not speak for Altium, but generally I have not seen them doing any problems to people who are creating free youtube videos about Altium. PS: I do own Altium license.
mali , 02-14-2019, 07:43 AM
Thanks for the answers.
@robertferanec @Paul van Avesaath
I'll get in contact with Altium as soon as possible.
Dear Feranec,
Now I got another question after your answer.
If I place ads on youtube videos or publish my videos on a platform like Udemy, do you think I can have any problem with Altium?
You have paid courses on the internet. Do you have a special contract or an agreement with Altium?
robertferanec , 02-18-2019, 02:09 AM
I do have email communication with Altium where I asked if I can do courses. But you still need to be careful how you present the courses and what is inside - otherwise you still may get some unconformable emails - have a look at my Xilinx video: , 02-27-2019, 04:26 AM
I think adding translation to videos does'nt bring anything. It would be quite difficult to read the subtitles and looking at video. So a new video series in Turkish would be much nicer.
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