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how to route free running clock differential signals in BGA package

Samudralankaiah , 10-08-2020, 10:34 AM
In SRAM BGA Package there are two free running echo output clocks From SRAM to processor.They assigned A1=CQ and A11=C/Q/ a huge seperation between these signals how will I route these signals in differentially.
robertferanec , 10-12-2020, 08:46 AM
You need to find out what Differential pair impedance you need to route them with (e.g. 72OHMs, 100OHMs, etc) and then you need to ask your PCB manufacturer to tell you the numbers for that (they will tell you track width and space between the tracks for your specific stackup).

If you like, you can also make some calculations, but it is not as accurate as numbers from PCB manufacturer. This may help: https://youtu.be/O4T9y_aIItA
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