Highlighting Process Confusing
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 06:29 PM
When I try to follow intructions in the course"General Edit mode-->Select Unhighlight--> All ---> highlight--> select the pin (in Allegro)Apparently it does not highlight pins in the ORCAD when I select the pin (highlight) in Allegro,what am I missing @Robert Feranec , I tried this once and it worked but it doesnt work anymore:1. Left Click Unhighlight --> All2. Left Click Highlight--> **"Done"**3. Left Click Pin, doesnt work (checked cross highlight settings). Is there a setting in ORCAD? Do I need to be in general edit or placement edit (doesnt make a difference)
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 06:34 PM
It gives this in command window stangely. Recreating netlist also didnt help
Robert Feranec , 01-23-2025, 06:55 PM
I don't have orcad installed, but there are some settings what need to be checked to enable the cross highlight and I think this setting is also in Orcad. That is what you mean by "checked cross highlight settings"?
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 07:18 PM
Yes I checked in both ORCAD and Allegro and the settings are correct, Interpol settings in ORCAD and not much difference in the original settings in Allegro
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 07:20 PM
anything maybe in this panel of settings?
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 07:25 PM
Now its happening, its still confusing, I think I selected the place manual command n general edit mode and then did unhighlight all and then highlight, so we are not in placement mode correct?
Robert Feranec , 01-23-2025, 07:32 PM
Can you attach settings screenshot from orcad? I remember these settings were in orcad, but I don't remember if I had to set something in Allegro.
Robert Feranec , 01-23-2025, 07:33 PM
but no other people mentioned this problem, maybe is something specific to your case (?)
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 07:35 PM
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 07:35 PM
If there are other settings you want to see let me know
Robert Feranec , 01-23-2025, 07:53 PM
I think this is it, hmm, I don't know why it would not work.
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 09:25 PM
Quick followup question, is placement that you do by selecting component in ORCAD , is it happening in general edit mode or placement mode since sometimes it says in the general edit mode for some components:
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 09:46 PM
Also it gives me this when I load the fiducials 🤦♂️ :
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 09:46 PM
I realize my .psm file doesnt exist
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 10:52 PM
so there is a difference in my footprint name to the .dra and .pad, my footprint name is fd_m80mil_d40mil in the ORCAD propertyI forgot the i,
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 10:56 PM
@Robert Feranec can you inform how to correct this and what steps I need to redo
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 11:06 PM
I have the .bsm file instead of .psm file, maybe I missed a step, sorry for so many updates but Im trying to seamlessly solve this, wasnt fiducial a mechanical symbol
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 11:06 PM
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 11:42 PM
[Update] the symbol created successfully , I had to change design parameters for the fiducial drawing but it still doesnt load the package symbol, how do I update now, cant seem to still see the symbol loading in placement
PMICnewbie , 01-23-2025, 11:56 PM
I solved it nevermind, please ignore, but I did follow the instructions as per lecture and the difference was fiducial was instructed to be a mechanical symbol not a package symbol, unless Im mistaken
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