USB-C 3.0 Highspeed Hub with 2-ports
elessargr , 12-18-2024, 08:22 PM
Hello everyone,I am new to the world of PCB so please bare with me if I ask any stupid questions.I am working on a project that I would need to use a USB-C 3.0 (to the host/lapto) with two downstream USB ports. (one 3.0 and one 2.0). Power would be provided to the PCB though the USB-C to the host.I was able to find this but they utilizing USB-A connectors instead of USB-C.The main question I have is,If I have a USB-C 3.0 connection to the host do I need to use a USB MUX?The USB-C cable should be able to operate when plugged-in to the PCB on both directions.So if I loop the pairs together (like A2/B2, A3/B3, etc) this would not work and require a USB MUX as addition?I can share the schematic I have already if needed.Appreciate any help you guys can provide.Thanks again!ElessarGR
QDrives , 12-18-2024, 10:38 PM
First of: USB-C is the connector, USB 3.0, 3.1, etc. is the standard."*I would need to use a USB-C 3.0 (to the host/lapto) with two USB ports. (one 3.0 and one 2.0). *" -- Do you mean a hub with two downward ports?"*The USB-C cable should be able to operate when planed to the PCB on both directions.*" -- "planed"?? You mean plugged-in?
elessargr , 12-18-2024, 10:40 PM
hi QDrives!Yes downwards ports (client).
elessargr , 12-18-2024, 10:41 PM
Ops sorry yes I meant plugged-in! Good catch let me correct it
elessargr , 12-18-2024, 10:51 PM
okay so from the edn article if I understand correct the USB MUX is not mandatory and it depends what the use case is every time.Like in my case I dont look for DP or above classic/normal power transfer tot he downstream ports.So even if USB MUX is not installed the USB-C cable regardless the orientation should work.Am I correct?
QDrives , 12-18-2024, 10:59 PM
I have never done USB 3, C or other hubs.All I know is that I often see a mux in the schematics as well. But this is mostly here and they have problems...
elessargr , 12-18-2024, 11:13 PM
Until now I have seen it one or two time on some schematics and because I am a newbie on this world hence why I ask. You guys definitely are more knowledgeable than me on the PCB and schematics!Lets see if anyone else know about this 🙂
QDrives , 12-18-2024, 11:35 PM
Would it be a cost problem if you add the mux?
elessargr , 12-18-2024, 11:58 PM
I believe by slightly.I have a prototype that for some reason doesnt work and try to understand if this is the issue.Also if I add this USB MUX not sure how much space I would need since I try to compress the PCB as much as I can and if it would complicate more the design.
QDrives , 12-19-2024, 12:04 AM
Well... it makes it more complicated and it takes space.Did you have a mux on the prototype?The mux is needed to make the USB C connector work in both 'polarities'.
elessargr , 12-19-2024, 09:30 AM
No on the prototypes I haven't used a USB MUX. Currently it doesn't work in any orientation I place the cable in.Tried a USB-C (host) to USB-C (PCB) and a USB-A (host) to USB-C (PCB).So doing some research and reading online to see if I can figure it out. Hence why I thought that maybe someone from here would have the expirience with USB 3.0 highspeed and USB-C connector 🙂
QDrives , 12-19-2024, 08:04 PM
If your proto hub without mux is not working in any way, you better first find out why.Adding a mux will only make things more complicated.
elessargr , 12-19-2024, 08:15 PM
My prototype does not have a mux.
QDrives , 12-19-2024, 08:21 PM
Sorry, meant to write "without mux".
elessargr , 12-19-2024, 08:54 PM
oh, yeah this is what I am trying to find out but I dont have the knowledge or expertise on this kind of subject 😅
elessargr , 12-19-2024, 09:24 PM
I think if I need a USB3 MUX it should be in the orange area.
UTTAM , 12-21-2024, 03:47 AM
use this switch IC
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 09:37 AM
I see that this is EOL.I was able to find this one over the datasheet and reading for it
UTTAM , 12-21-2024, 09:39 AM
VL162 or VL163 continue parts
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 09:43 AM
let me check those also!
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 10:05 AM
I cant find this manufacture or its chips to
QDrives , 12-21-2024, 03:36 PM
@elessargr in a sense what @UTTAM states is that you need a mux/demux. However, from what I can see, you should be able to get something working without **IF** you plug in the USB-C connector properly. That is were th mux comes in -- no polarity as it automatically switches over.
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 04:08 PM
Yes this is what I am trying to figure out now. If I can somehow connect a USB-C to the PCB with only one side (A side) connected to see that at least the PCB works. The polarity and all those things with MUX I can fix them later.
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 04:08 PM
new updated version that simplifies things I believe
QDrives , 12-21-2024, 04:58 PM
That one is not going to work, at least not for USB 3.You got Tx1 and Rx2 connected.What is the schematic of your first proto?
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 05:26 PM
its this one
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 05:28 PM
Since I am using the A side only (single polarity) afaik it should work for USB3.0 similar to the USB-A. 17
QDrives , 12-21-2024, 11:12 PM
So what do you have on your up stream port? A USB A plug or a C socket?Your first schematic shows a USB C socket.As far as I know, with a USB C socket you need the mux to have it work in both positions.However, if your prototype does not work having the C connector in either position, something else must be checked first.
elessargr , 12-21-2024, 11:30 PM
So on my first schematic and prototype I have a USB-C as upstream (host).The issue I believe, and from what you guys told me here, is that I am missing the USB MUX for the connection to decide which pair of cables to use. Like there is a negotiation happening when you have a USB-C cable via the CC pins.So because I dont have a USB MUX and I cant add it to my prototype I will need to modify one/two things on my prototype and convert the USB-C to be like a "USB-A" and see if this would make the prototype work. Hence why I will "cut" the B side of the USB-C to make its a single path connection.I dont have the right tools to do that though so I need to improvise 😛
QDrives , 12-22-2024, 12:27 AM
No. Without mux it should work in one of the two positions (180° rotation) the USB C connecter is connected.Like there is suddenly a up and down to it. Up works but down does not.From my understanding you could not get it to work at all, regardless of the USB C connection.Another question is: you have USB 2 and 3 on the cable. USB 2 you just connected together. so that sould work.If USB 2 also does not work, you do not need to look into a mux on USB 3.
elessargr , 01-06-2025, 08:38 PM
hello and Happy New Year!
elessargr , 01-06-2025, 08:39 PM
so I managed to get the USB HUB working but only as USB2.0. So the D+/- seems to be the one actively connected and have it on. Trying now to figure out why I cant bring up the SuperSpeed (USB3.0).
elessargr , 01-06-2025, 08:39 PM
The issue was with one ESD (U4) that was incorrectly connected.
elessargr , 01-06-2025, 08:40 PM
So I just removed it and made a bridge on it.
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