BOM for Advanced Hardware Digital Design course
dangcaominh , 02-07-2025, 07:09 AM
You can contact him via email to request for the schematic. But just don't share them publicly.
sam , 02-07-2025, 08:23 AM
I do have his schematic which I got it from his course. But I wasn't sure about some passive parts he selected. I thought it'd be good idea to refer existing design that works then start from there..
sam , 02-07-2025, 08:23 AM
@Phil let me know if you want me to communicate via email! Purpose is not to copy and paste your schemtic.. that's not good for my learning anyways. I wanted to see what spec. you have chosen for all other passive components
dangcaominh , 02-07-2025, 01:13 PM
I mean the real schematic .ShcDoc itself, not the .pdf 🙂
sam , 02-07-2025, 03:54 PM
ah I see. let me see and wait for his response here 🙂
dangcaominh , 02-08-2025, 04:33 AM
I suggest you email him right away. I haven't seem him online Discord for a long time
sam , 02-08-2025, 04:43 AM
yes I did send him an email as well! Thanks for the comment!
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