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USB Hub and Buck Converter design help

colhany , 06-09-2023, 05:09 AM
Hello everyone
i want to design a USB Hub based on this IC
GL3523-OTY30 Genesys Logic US$2.0507 - QFN-76-EP(9x9) USB ICs ROHS datasheet, price, inventory C390630

I have two questions:
​​First, the IC has an internal 5V to 1.2V switching regulator, but the datasheet doesn't mention an inductor value or a switching frequency, how can I choose the output inductor and capacitor values without knowing the switching frequency?

Second, there isn't like a register map or anything for configuration using EEPROM, how can I configure the EEPROM I'll use with it? Is there like a standard that I should follow for all USB Hub ICs? Or is this data available only to companies, that's why I can't find it in the datasheet?

Thank you
qdrives , 06-09-2023, 05:11 PM
Did you also ask the manufacturer (Genesys)?
colhany, 06-09-2023, 05:21 PM
I submitted a support inquiry a few days ago and they haven't replied so far.
robertferanec , 06-13-2023, 12:47 AM
If you need good documentation (or software support), I recommend to use a well known chip manufacturers. So I would recommend to use a different chip.

Otherwise you may have a lot of problems and you may spend a lot of time trying to figure out things by yourself (or in the worse case you may build a board which you will not be able to make work because of luck of documentation or supporting materials).

PS: If I would like to build more than a few prototypes I never use components what can't be supplied by Digikey, Mouser or Farnell.
colhany , 06-13-2023, 07:14 AM
Thank you Robert
I thought Genesis Logic is a well known manufacturer for USB Hub chips.
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