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Stack-Up Program

mostafa222 , 12-16-2016, 11:33 AM
Hi Dear Robert. Do You use ICD Stack-up planner program for stack-up your board. if ok, can you please help me about this program? It calculate impedance and ...
mostafa222 , 12-16-2016, 12:34 PM
robertferanec , 12-19-2016, 09:49 AM
No, I do not use it.

We leave our PCB manufacturer to design the stackup and select materials. We have some stackups which we used before, maybe this will help you: Download PCB Stackups – Free for your Projects
mostafa222 , 12-19-2016, 10:03 AM
thanks a lot.
MartinHonig , 10-17-2017, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by robertferanec
No, I do not use it.

We leave our PCB manufacturer to design the stackup and select materials. We have some stackups which we used before, maybe this will help you: Download PCB Stackups – Free for your Projects

Hi Robert, thank you for sharing this. Number 5 look like something I am currently looking for. Have you actually used this one for manufacturing? I can see only thicknesses, can you also share materials proposed for manufacturing?

I am trying to figure out suitable stack-up for 1,5mm thick 6-layer board with 0,8mm pich BGAs and DDR memory and I am actually struggling to get reasonable stack-up proposal from a local manufacturers.

The problem is that for my BGA pitch 0,8mm, reasonable 0,2/0,45mm vias I have 0,1-0,15mm playground for track thickness to fit in-between tho vias in BGA fan-out. Free parameter in my equation is only dielectric thickness between top/bottom layer and adjacent reference plane (end dielectric constant Er), but according to my calculations the desirable thickness is around 0,8mm. Problem is that manufacturers usually have only 1060, 1080, 2116 pre-pregs on stock, resulting in too thin or too thick dielectric.

I have found this design tip from Wuerth Electrnics, that is touching exactly the same issue I am having:
robertferanec , 10-17-2017, 11:30 AM
I found some emails from the manufacturer. I do not have the full stackup, but this may help you a little bit (this is info from L3 and includes some properties of materials).

MartinHonig , 10-18-2017, 02:09 AM
Hi Robert, thank you for sharing this. I have noticed that my previous post had a wrong link, I've made a correction.
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