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Routing question RE: Linear Power Supply layout

simon2909 , 01-14-2017, 11:40 PM
Hi, I just worked through the Linear Power Supply course and had a couple of questions;

When the +Vin was being routed on the top layer, what affected the decision to split the path into two instead of making one combined branch?
(eg, https://s23.postimg.org/4hjge62bv/image.png , where left side was in the video and right side is a possible path)

Also, is there a vague general consensus on "teardropping" for track to pad and track to track connections?
(such as in http://techdocs.altium.com/display/A...ardrop+Control)
robertferanec , 01-16-2017, 02:07 PM
1) If possible, I try to eliminate the paths which could influence each other. For example, if current flows from source to pin 1 and then it flows to pin 2, and there are some high current peaks + voltage drops on pin 1 (+ capacitors around it), this may possibly influence quality of input voltage on pin 2. Therefore if possible and in this situation I rather use star connection.

2) I do not use teardrops. If in PCB house, they determine, that they need the teardrops, they add them by themselves. I have never had any problems with no adding teardrops.
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