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Dual Power connected.

SkyDvv , 08-17-2024, 05:58 AM
I have an micro-controller that will be powered through a backup power supply, batteries.
always connected, but as you can see the programmer has power-pin that will always be connected when programming, that's wrong something will blow up its a short circuit.
If i decided to use OR controller, 2 inputs 1 output.
both of them will be 3.3v with some other deciemals.
is it safe?
I feel like the controller will always switch between them and something will go wrong.
I guess it's use is for 2 different voltage supplies not same ones, or i just miss something
Mini , 08-17-2024, 11:41 AM
It's clearly PIC. But which programmer you are using? Pickit? Having 3.3V connected this way is totally fine. You are not shorting anything because many programmers actually do not supply voltage. They sense voltage so if it's not correct you can't program. But some programmers can supply voltage and then there is weird situation which you should avoid.
Mini , 08-17-2024, 11:42 AM
Pickit 5 for example can supply 3.3V and up to 150 mA. But you have to enable it. If you want to program already powered device you simply won't enable power and just program.
SkyDvv , 08-17-2024, 01:22 PM
Thank you so much that helped me, didn't know that option exists❤️
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