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How to design a PCB for a bluetooth stereo speaker system using ESP32-H2-MINI?

pixelShot189 , 05-21-2024, 09:02 AM
Hey guys, I'm new to PCB design and electronics, so I'm having a hard time understanding how to design schematics and selecting components. I'd really appreciate any help, tips or suggestions from you guys...I'm using EasyEDA to design my PCB and I'm using ESP32-H2-MINI as the microcontroller...
pixelShot189 , 05-21-2024, 09:05 AM
All sources I've looked at for help have suggested me to look at the schematic for my ESP32 series...so here it is...https://docs.espressif.com/projects/espressif-esp-dev-kits/en/latest/_static/esp32-h2-devkitm-1/esp32-h2-devkitm-1_v1.3_schematics.pdf
pixelShot189 , 05-21-2024, 09:09 AM
How to design a PCB for a bluetooth stereo speaker system using ESP32-H2-MINI?
QDrives , 05-22-2024, 09:09 PM
When you start a design, you start with a block diagram. The block diagram shows the (major) blocks that are needed. In this case for instance: MCU, bluetooth interface (could be in the ESP32), creating analog (optionally?), power amplifier and power supply.
Then you check if some elements are inside others (like bluetooth and creating analog in the ESP32). Then you find the main components for each block followed by all additional components (ie. mentioned in the datasheets of those main components).
Robert Feranec , 05-24-2024, 12:51 PM
did you try to search also for some projects? e.g. esp32 Bluetooth speaker schematic
pixelShot189 , 05-25-2024, 07:52 AM
@QDrives @Robert Feranec Hey thanks for the responses, I haven't been able to find projects that use the specific components that I'm planning to use. Because ESP32 H2 MINI is relatively new, I'm having trouble find projects specific to that.
After some research I am planning on using the TPA3116D2 amplifier along witha 30 W/4 Ohms woofer and a 20 W/4 Ohms tweeter.

So, now all I need to do is connect the ESP32 H2 module with the amplifier and speaker setup. Apparently, TPA3116D2 comes with built-in digital audio control so I don't have to worry about that. I also have to figure out how to make the bluetooth work, add the voltage regulator and power supply (Lithium Ion Rechargeable Source), and anything else which I'm not aware of. Also, the code for I2S interface.

I'd appreciate it if you guys could help me with that one. @Robert Feranec I have seen your video (on which I commented) where you design a custom ESP32 PCB, can you please help me with how I can implement those ideas in this project?
Robert Feranec , 05-25-2024, 08:37 AM
just do it by yourself. make the pcb, it is not expensive, and if there is something wrong, you will fix it and make again. that is normal design process. you don't need anyone to guide you, there is nothing to be afraid of
QDrives , 05-25-2024, 01:20 PM
One of the reasons I mention the block diagram is that the blocks connect. Those virtual connection are the interfaces. In this case you have ESP32 and TPA3116D2 both having an interface.
It does not matter much if you swap components, because it is about the interfaces.
The TPA3116D2 has a differential analog input. That means that you either use the analog outputs of the ESP32 (probably not the best solution due to resolution) or you need something else that interfaces between it.
If we consider you use the analog output of the ESP32, it does not matter which one you use/pick as long as you know how to drive that analog output.
In short **it is not about the component combination, but about the interfaces**.
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