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LLC FB dilema

QDrives , 02-11-2025, 08:08 PM
I would run a simulation to see how much power is dissipated.
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:15 PM
there is no model
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:16 PM
but with some crude assumptions and gpt i ended up with .25W across 2 0805 resistors
QDrives , 02-11-2025, 08:16 PM
So what is the voltage swing on pin 2 of the primary winding?
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:18 PM
that pin should stay at Vbus/2 from what i understand and only have the AC over it
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:19 PM
and the AC over it is 390/2 sine* at 70-100KHz
QDrives , 02-11-2025, 08:20 PM
That DC voltage is over C25. The AC changes goes through R42 and C26.
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:22 PM
QDrives , 02-11-2025, 08:32 PM
I see that the sine make the losses very low.
My experience is with pulses and snubbers.
I guess with sine wave the capacitor has more time to 'charge'.
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:34 PM
yea i made my estimate very crudely
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:35 PM
i am replacing a 1206 with 2 0805 anyway and it is in a area with pour all over
QDrives , 02-11-2025, 08:35 PM
Sniper2 , 02-11-2025, 08:38 PM
qspice nice
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 08:39 PM
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 08:39 PM
i think i got the clearances right this time, mostly cheated and routed on another layer after rearangeing the FETs
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 08:46 PM
QDrives , 02-12-2025, 08:57 PM
Unlike one of the comments on placing 2 fuses (for L and N) it is pointless.
A fuse is there for only one reason: overload.
If the weaker fuse is in the neutral, it will blow before the one in the line and still have the circuit under voltage.
If you have leakage/short to earth and line/neutral swapped, either your main circuit breaker goes or the earth leakage goes.
QDrives , 02-12-2025, 09:00 PM
There is are many more comments I can give, but I assume you want to continue and not change too much?
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 09:01 PM
well i am still wiling to do a lot of changes if it is needed that is why i didnt bother wth overlay
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 09:02 PM
so please rost me sempai 😂
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 09:22 PM
QDrives , 02-12-2025, 09:45 PM
The creepage between primary and secondary is not good.
For creepage, the current can flow over the component body in both the opto-coupler and Y cap case.
Use a longer opto-coupler and either a film Y capacitor or multiple SMD in series.

What do you do with the earth connection?

I do want to know where you buy your square drills.
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 09:58 PM
squere drills?
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 09:59 PM
a if i reffer to the miling slots that is guidline since like i said this is 3rd major rework
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 09:59 PM
and rectangles are eassy to work in draft form
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 10:00 PM
ill see what i can find regarding the opto
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 10:01 PM
i chose that particulat one since TI used it and i sort of had a compensation network more or less from the eval board
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 10:01 PM
i have space on the upper side of the PCB for a THT Y cap
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 10:01 PM
Earth goes to chasis so basicaly eny mounting hole....
Sniper2 , 02-12-2025, 10:02 PM
tho at home not all sokets are grounded properly so i must be carefull what i do where
QDrives , 02-12-2025, 10:37 PM
Something like this: https://www.digikey.nl/en/products/detail/renesas-electronics-corporation/RV1S2281ACCSP-10YV-KC0/12751112
No need even to have a slot beneath it.
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 05:13 AM
Thx, did any other things catch your eyes ?
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 07:26 PM
so besides the opto Y cap and creapage is there anything else that cought your eyes?
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 07:55 PM
PS that opto is just longer , 300mils and rated fro 5KV while mine was 2.5V i think
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 07:56 PM
ok that makes perfect sense
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 07:57 PM
my transformer is Insulation Test Voltage VT N1,4 => N2,3 4000 V (AC) so yea a better match for sure
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 07:57 PM
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:24 PM
with the opta i was useing there is a problem : i used the wrong footprint.....
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:24 PM
no yea no wander that area looked sus
QDrives , 02-13-2025, 09:45 PM
I did not look much into it.
A good review takes a lot of time.

As for the length of the opto: **if** you need something like 8mm creepage, with the longer one you do not need a board cut out underneath it as it is long enough.
Same goes for a film Y capacitor.
From recollection, 2.5kV is enough.
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:45 PM
yea my opto was 8.1mm
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:46 PM
but footprint was wrong with like 3-4mm
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:46 PM
bug OPS on my side
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:46 PM
Y cap is easy swap
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:46 PM
THX anywa since just pointing at odd stuff is enough since it makes me focus on something
QDrives , 02-13-2025, 09:46 PM
I have seen to many shapes, so would not know.
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:52 PM
BTW should i remove the folder mask over the isolation barier? aka the 8mm gap
Sniper2 , 02-13-2025, 09:52 PM
or not?
QDrives , 02-13-2025, 10:11 PM
No. Leave the solder mask.
Sniper2 , 02-14-2025, 05:25 AM
Ok thx
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