removing solder mask in RF application
Shahriar , 08-16-2024, 04:10 AM
You may have noticed in RF application, designers avoid to use solder mask, but sometimes it is needed to add solder mask in some specific regions like digital IC pads or wherever help solderingHow this can be achievable in Altium?Because solder mask is a default inverted layer and is going to be applied everywhere.How can I tell altium to put solder mask just on places where needed!In fact this is the opposite way of exposing tracks to solder techniqueThanksShahriar
Robert Feranec , 08-16-2024, 09:50 AM
I just draw it as one of the last things when finishing PCB. but never needed this for something as on the picture - that may be a little bit of work especially if something would need to be moved.
ravc_cs , 08-16-2024, 12:14 PM
Hi, As Robert Says you can literally draw a custom polygon or use the fill feature of Altium, Select the layer "Top Solder or bottom" and then use Place->Fill and paint the area where you need to remove the Solder mask, in this kind of way you can directly see where the solder mask will be removed. Hope this can help!Good day.
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