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Rounded pads

Lorien , 06-08-2016, 02:39 AM
I'm Lucian and I designed a board in Altium (thanx to Robert courses) and now is almost finish it but there are some steps that I have to make prior sending it to assembly house. It seems that chinese who made my panel changed few things here and there (minor stuff but essential to my eyes) + there are other changes to be made so I have to redesign the panel. Since I'm in this point, I saw on the internet a couple of web pages with informations related to rounded pads. My sole wishes are:
1. to have my boards with parts correctly assembled (by "correctly" I mean to be 'perfectly' soldered onto the pads and not be deviated from the desired position by the tension forces that are forming throughout the soldering process)
2. To avoid Tombstone effect for as much as possible. Basically, I have zero chances for this effect to occur!

The links I found about this topic are here:
IPC Land Pattern Standards for SMD technology IPC-SM-782, IPC-SM-782A, IPC-7351, IPC-7351A and IPC-7351B...

(no affiliation, just using the information found there...)

My questions: does any of you used the rounded pads before in a project or do you have some thoughts on implementing it in near future?
As for me, at a first sight I can conclude that it's worth doing the trouble in changing all my PCB libraries and make the pads rounded but I'm wondering if, by doing so, I'll not do more harm than good to my future designs!
Thank you for your thoughts on this matter,
mairomaster , 06-08-2016, 06:01 AM
I don't really use rounded pads for any of my components (with a few specific exceptions for other reasons) and I have 0 problems. I do't think it's worth the effort.
robertferanec , 06-08-2016, 06:11 AM
We do not use rounded pads, no problems.

BTW: thanks for the links.
Lorien , 07-09-2016, 07:11 AM
A bit later but thank you both of you for replies! Despite your advice , I'll go on with my perfectionist (in)sanity and try to adopt rounded pads for my latest design and pray it will work okay on the assembly house! I'll have to ask them first before doing stupid things and lose time BUT, regardless the outcome, I'll get back here and post my results! Now I wish to move on and ask another weird question about Altium but on appropriate thread! Thank you again for your time!
robertferanec , 07-09-2016, 07:46 PM
It was a good question. Please, let us know then.
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