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controll card connector

Sniper2 , 02-08-2024, 04:36 PM
controll card connector choice
So how does one chose a 90 deg board to board connector? THT in my case
I was considering 2.54mm pin headers BUT i am afraid of contact performance and if it can sustain the weight
Sniper2 , 02-08-2024, 05:09 PM
not sure how many pins i need but around 20-40 pins
Sniper2 , 02-08-2024, 05:10 PM
I want to make a controll card in the stile of C2000 from TI or the one from STM32
QDrives , 02-08-2024, 10:38 PM
First one that comes to my mind is the "micromatch" or equivalents.
Sniper2 , 02-09-2024, 08:13 PM
the what?
Sniper2 , 02-09-2024, 09:44 PM
if it is from TE it is wire to board not board to board
QDrives , 02-11-2024, 10:35 PM
Yes, from TE and others. They are both wire to board as well as board to board.
Also Wurth Electronic - https://www.we-online.com/en/components/products/em/connectors/board-to-board_connectors/wr-mm_minimodule
Sniper2 , 02-12-2024, 06:28 PM
that may be the winner since it is either that or DIN connector and i am not sure what is cheaper
QDrives , 02-12-2024, 08:59 PM
Another are the card edge ones. PCIe or DIMM (https://www.digikey.nl/en/products/filter/memory-connectors/inline-module-sockets/413?s=N4IgjCBcoLQExVAYygFwE4FcCmAaEA9lANogCcI%2BArCALoC%2B%2BMAzIiCpBjvkZKWAAY6jEDArR2aLHkIlwwkQDY2ASwAmUUYIj4ADqk2UQqAJ67smgIYBnFPXpA)
Connectors can be cheap. Lots of contacts. But board may be more expensive and limited in thickness.
Sniper2 , 02-13-2024, 04:04 PM
WOW THT RAM socket
Sniper2 , 02-13-2024, 04:04 PM
man that is fine
QDrives , 02-13-2024, 09:56 PM
Just in cases you needed a few more pins...😂
Sniper2 , 02-13-2024, 10:04 PM
Do I need hard hold for the edge connector? Asking since I never did anything like this
Sniper2 , 02-13-2024, 10:04 PM
Or can I strengthen when with solder paste ?
QDrives , 02-13-2024, 10:14 PM
NO solder. The flux in there will more likely to cause bad connections. Besides, solder is to thick compared to surface finish.
And I also never done edge connectors.
What is the application? How reliable does it need to be? Life expectancy? Maintenance? Service parts? Production quantities? Who does the assembly? Testing after assembly? Harsh environment (ie. vibration)?
As you can see a lot of questions that could drive the selection. These question are regardless of connector type.
Sniper2 , 02-14-2024, 04:40 PM
aplication: SMPS
relaibility : maybe resist a few yers on my desk semi neglected with dust
maintenance none if possible
quantity 1-5
assembly : mostly JLC + me
vibration a lot since i may be occasionaly nodging the board or its cables
Sniper2 , 02-14-2024, 04:40 PM
Sniper2 , 02-14-2024, 04:40 PM
it is mostly a prototype where i want to test a few types of controll cards
MCU 1 2 3
FPGA 4th
QDrives , 02-14-2024, 09:42 PM
Vibration is little, unless you are also drilling or something on that desk a lot (hours/day).

Then I would go for the simplest to design/assemble solution.
The experience I have with micromatch is very rigid when it comes to wire to board. I expect something similar for board to board.
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 06:53 PM
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 06:54 PM

this is my solution
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 06:54 PM
cheap ish and also compatible with normal pinheader if needed
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 06:55 PM
not sure if 20 pins is enough but as of not it is
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 06:55 PM
@QDrives might help others were a bit to involved and custom
QDrives , 02-20-2024, 09:16 PM
That is not a board to board connection 😉 But at least very standard.
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 09:44 PM
HACK.exe activates
Sniper2 , 02-20-2024, 09:44 PM
it is like a cheap DIN type connector , hood enough for me and way more safe then a pinheader in terms of mistakes
QDrives , 02-21-2024, 10:26 PM
"...and way more safe then a pinheader in terms of mistakes." -- as in you can swap wires / pin 1 <--> 20 ? 👍
Sniper2 , 02-22-2024, 05:00 AM
Not even that there is a key
QDrives , 02-22-2024, 07:17 PM
A key in the connectors, yes. But you can insert the cable the other way round.
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