PDN time domain response simulation on LTSpice
User , 10-13-2024, 10:36 AM
Hello, I learnt how to simulate a PDN impedance on LTSpice. I am now interest in simulation the transient response in the time domain of a PDN.Let's say I have a PDN with an antiresonance of 10 Ohms @1MHz.I thought that is I excited the PDN with a 1MHz Current Sine Wave of 1A amplitude, I would get the same voltage transient as if I had between the voltage source and the current source, a resistor of 10 Ohms. Simulations shows I am wrong.Can someone help me correct my understanding ?
User , 10-13-2024, 10:42 AM
In my case, I tried applying a 1A sine wave whose frequency is equal to an antiresonance peak of my PDN, but I get a damping effect even though I put all resistors to 0, and the sinewave current load does not stop.
QDrives , 10-13-2024, 08:20 PM
Care to share the schematic too?
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